Thursday, May 26, 2011

old poster desings

I though these designs were really groovy especially when considering some of the designs are from the 1930's. Nice structure and composition. The top one is rather reminiscent of my ITERATION :: AGAIN identity, much more simplified however.

Artists include: A.M Cassandre and EL Lissitzky

Monday, May 16, 2011

Public art

These images lead me to revisit my older idea about framing the posters not litural would be wicked but because of the budget its obviously just going to be a printed frame within the poster itself. might just mock it up for crit and se how people respond. Though i dont think people will take to it some how.

Work by Chad WYS 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

oil rainbow

the other day on the way to uni I steped across a oil film on black bichamin and thought it was a good little seample of what I'm tring to illustrate in my iteration again consept. The beautiful rainbow colours against the black bichamin, something you dont see every day and when you do it makes you stop and admire if only for a while.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Something simular

This logo/identitie looks some what close to the ideas i've been working with however this doesn't have the 4 aspect in it although that could be incorperated with the use of colour. It has that rotational aspect and enless feature in it, the more i look at it the more I see strong conetions to ITERATION AGAIN and my pinwheel consept.

I fell as though the pinwheel already may have a strang identity of its own already and prehaps i need to creat a pinwheeel with slightly different feature of its own. A new original, unique event with a new take on public art work i guess I should be doing the same thing with the pinwheel. This would also refine my design more however the pinwhell is a strong marketing stratage for getting choldren and thus familys involved in the even so yes hmmm. (maybe something to mention tomorrow to Jame's or Karen, see what they recon.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The eye

Lately for some unknown reason I've been looking at the eye as i have been really intersted in contrasting colours and textures. The black and which in the eye are obviously on of the biggest contrasting features but a more interesting atribute would be the comparison of the soft white milky section which has a blured edge against the cristal, dynamic ires. Another interesting fact is that the ires is normally either blue, brown, green or hazal but incompasses all colours as the light reflects into it.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder:
The rotating seasons bring predictable change-notably, the winter months contain less sunlight and warmth and in some people this causes annual mood shifts that are now known as seasonal affective Disorder, or SAD. According to the Mayo Clinic, the symptoms of SAD usually begin in the fall and persist throughout winter, and include moodiness, depression and lack of energy.

As ITERATION/AGAIN is held in the summer or spring I have been trying to incorperate the contrast of the winter passing and the joy in the light and warmth begining again, encouraging people to step outside, stretch their feet and go on an outing with friend or family or a solo exercise.

Kik Kat 'take a break'

Kik-kat have done some really cool and divers advertising campaigns which a lot of the the time deals with their slogan/catch phrase 'take a break' which is nearly the same as my ploy in getting people to cme see the tem art works through out Hobart and Launceston. This add has people in local parks taking a break as they the company has created wooden posters at aprk enterances and in public spaces. These posters are able to be poped apart and assembled into the perfect bench for a snack break. The mode of assembly so closely parallels the way you would snap apart a Kit Kat bar. The poster is not only interactive it's useful and it does a kindness while connecting simple pleasures with the "break" line Kit Kat's been using for years.

This concept strongly relates to the way in which i wish the pinwheel flyers to be interpreted. People are encouraged to make their own pinwheel with friends, family, or just out of personal curiosity as a break from their daily routine and have some fun by placign them in the wind and watching them spin.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Typography play

So here i have experimented with stacking the Bank Gothic font numerous times on top of itself and in the process trying to create skyscrapers, a city and i think its even starting to resemble a barcode so i' rather happy excited by the concept just not sure if i'm really achieving its full potential visually? Will ask some friends and family what they see maybe. Oh and they coloured sections you see there are the same 4 colours i'm working with. Just to change them. To many god darn colours to choose from still not sure which best suit iteration and my design.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Typography play

here is a little image I came across (cant remember were it was from sorry) but it got me thinking about the way in which i could use the letters from ITERATION / AGAIN as a paint brush tool to maybe draw city buildings?