Thursday, May 5, 2011

Kik Kat 'take a break'

Kik-kat have done some really cool and divers advertising campaigns which a lot of the the time deals with their slogan/catch phrase 'take a break' which is nearly the same as my ploy in getting people to cme see the tem art works through out Hobart and Launceston. This add has people in local parks taking a break as they the company has created wooden posters at aprk enterances and in public spaces. These posters are able to be poped apart and assembled into the perfect bench for a snack break. The mode of assembly so closely parallels the way you would snap apart a Kit Kat bar. The poster is not only interactive it's useful and it does a kindness while connecting simple pleasures with the "break" line Kit Kat's been using for years.

This concept strongly relates to the way in which i wish the pinwheel flyers to be interpreted. People are encouraged to make their own pinwheel with friends, family, or just out of personal curiosity as a break from their daily routine and have some fun by placign them in the wind and watching them spin.

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