Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Logo selection difficulty

Before the final crit i was still unsure of the logo design. Its was obviously going to incorparate the pinwheel concept some how and I wanted it to perhaps change over the four weeks some how, which i though would be relatively easy considering I had so many designs already, but that wasn't the case at all, as decision making isn't my strong point and I started to get a little lost as I brought in more texture and more ideas. Above is a logo design I had created a month or so ago and thought i would revisit it as James had mentioned I had used the capital letters I for iteration and A for Again to create an image representational of a pinwheel. I also created this one out of inspiration for the compass symbol illustrating the fact that the artworks are all over Tasmania. The black and white represented time over change - from day (white) to night (black) The mixed paint texture under it represented not only the fact that this is an art event but the fact that time creates change.

Hobart at night

This is what I mentioned before when posting my Hobart nigh light images. I played around a little with the mystery of the night covering Hobart, but felt as though it doesn't relate to Iteration:again strongly enough. The pinwheel takes on a star form in the sky and the whole image looks slightly cliché and chimerical. Its a no,no

inspirational Webpages

I found these inspirational as I thought they related to my design the top one relates to my concept of creation coming from basic shape and expanding into something original such as the pinwheel. The bottom one is reminiscent of the pinwheel in action, spinning around, changing form.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

non-standard projection backdrop

Earlier on in this project I went into Hoabrt with my kilidoscope and took some photos of Hobarts buildings. Later on as i developed my consept - that Hobart becomes grey due to daily interation and iteration: again is the light at the end of the tunnel - the silver linning on the everyday, i though these old buildings illustrate the fact that Hobart is a tired old city above eye leavel so I have now decided to use the buildings as a backdrop for my non-standard promotional projection. I really wanted to have the projection playing a week leading up to the event and another projection running through out the event. I have always imagened it been projected onto on of the buildings at the main traffic light crossing in Hobart. where people are forced to stop and when they do what better to do to kill the time while the repetative traffic flows infront of them than to be introduced to the new exciting event. At the moment I'm thinking of projecting it onto the centerpoint evterance due mainly to the colour of the building as I had invisioned the projection standing agains a grey backdrop, again working with my consept of the grey city.

Spin-wheel Paint

here is my documentation of the spinwheel i created to make paintings which represent the way in which the four colours of the pinkwheel ( yellow, burnt orange, pink and dark purple) merge together through continuies spinning, much the say way in which the city becomes a grey smudge after repetatively interacting with the familar senery. Once the pinwheel stops the colours are much brighter and vibrant, much the same as when people take a brake from their normal working routines and go on a day trip (ITERATION:AGAIN) with family or friends, they see a much brighter and happier environment, the new and exciting experience, lightens up an otherwise doll and drab environment.

I had previously experimented with paint texture and really liked the way it worked with the pinwhile design as it directly relates peoples consep of what this event might be to art. I also wanted to illusrte the fleeting anf change over time aspect of the event more strongley and I thought this experiment would achive what I had in mind. though it has prehaps made the design to complex, though the event itself is complicated so it doesnt lie in that respect. I really like the paint texture it does everything i want it to do execp maybe complicate the design, so i;m thinking of keeping it but prehaps turning it down a bit.

Hobart at night

Here are a couple of photos I took of Hbart, with the intention to have them as a backdrop behind the pinwheel. the blured lights illustrating the living fleeting city and the magic of the light of the city adds to the mistery of the event. Though the event is more day time orientated and i fell asthough these images prehaps to far feched from visually representing the event!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Adding photo

This is the photo integrated into my computer generated pinwheel, which i believe has enhanced a more realistic image. Colours seem a bit bright though. This is the image that Jsty thought was the strongest and encouraged I developed more into the logo design though i'm not so sure i agree. I like the static pinwheel as i think it has the possibility of communicating the idea of the event more, with the obvious four wings and the square and circular shapes. Though i would have to agree with Jessie i think it was who said that the square I had placed in the center of the pinwheel, structure and enabled a fled flowing motion to be present. So I will play with that further before polishing, though this image does have the four colours i don't think they are as obiouse as when they are confined with in the triangles.