Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Spin-wheel Paint

here is my documentation of the spinwheel i created to make paintings which represent the way in which the four colours of the pinkwheel ( yellow, burnt orange, pink and dark purple) merge together through continuies spinning, much the say way in which the city becomes a grey smudge after repetatively interacting with the familar senery. Once the pinwheel stops the colours are much brighter and vibrant, much the same as when people take a brake from their normal working routines and go on a day trip (ITERATION:AGAIN) with family or friends, they see a much brighter and happier environment, the new and exciting experience, lightens up an otherwise doll and drab environment.

I had previously experimented with paint texture and really liked the way it worked with the pinwhile design as it directly relates peoples consep of what this event might be to art. I also wanted to illusrte the fleeting anf change over time aspect of the event more strongley and I thought this experiment would achive what I had in mind. though it has prehaps made the design to complex, though the event itself is complicated so it doesnt lie in that respect. I really like the paint texture it does everything i want it to do execp maybe complicate the design, so i;m thinking of keeping it but prehaps turning it down a bit.

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