Saturday, June 4, 2011

early poster designs

This is the computer generated pinwheel i managed to produce based on photos me and my mate took of the pinwheel spinning. looks a little like a lolly pop maybe? I have continued using a black and white background (mainly black saturated) due to the idea i have been working with, where as I wanted to demonstrate the fact that our familiar surroundings, such as the city becomes repetitive, doll, grey and depressing due to the many times we in counter it in our daily routines. Something out of the ordinary really lights up and stands out against such a back drop and stays in ones mind through out the rest of the day as a strange and unusual encounter. A talking point for the rest of the day as it was interesting, out of the ordinary. A colourful brake in the other wise doll environment.

I then used a black low opacity layer to cover the whole poster to add to the depressing backdrop as well as demonstrating (through the circle and square cut outs) the pinwheels folded transformation, human interaction to create change through time, where as the pinwheel starts as a square piece of paper and then is folded into a pinwheel shape and once it is placed outside (like the public artworks) it is captured by wind which shifts it into a circular shape. The square also represents structure for not only architecture but sculptural objects, such as the public artworks. The circle represents eternal creation, theres so much matter in the world which makes for many possible artistic creations.
Form basic shapes such as the square and the circle comes many mathematical and artistic problems to be solved/created. Art (unlike math) illustrates questions to be answered by its audience with multiple answers. This also juxtaposes the public artworks from their surroundings, buildings have one intention, purpose, the artworks in the environment stimulate thinking, questioning.
artists produce work from their relevant cutler and implement it back into culture where it questions itself and comments on the culture it exists in. (generally speeking) It does something other than sit on it's ass n a museum.
Ow and the four layered boarder represents the four transitions/chapters the artworks develop over the four weeks.

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