Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Logo selection difficulty

Before the final crit i was still unsure of the logo design. Its was obviously going to incorparate the pinwheel concept some how and I wanted it to perhaps change over the four weeks some how, which i though would be relatively easy considering I had so many designs already, but that wasn't the case at all, as decision making isn't my strong point and I started to get a little lost as I brought in more texture and more ideas. Above is a logo design I had created a month or so ago and thought i would revisit it as James had mentioned I had used the capital letters I for iteration and A for Again to create an image representational of a pinwheel. I also created this one out of inspiration for the compass symbol illustrating the fact that the artworks are all over Tasmania. The black and white represented time over change - from day (white) to night (black) The mixed paint texture under it represented not only the fact that this is an art event but the fact that time creates change.

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