Saturday, April 23, 2011


After evaluating the knot in the balloon and after playing around with some rope and some outlines of knots such as the Caltech knot I would like to push it further by playing with the fact that a knot is a tearm used to refer to wind speed (especially when sailing) and the fact that wind is temporary, fluiedly moving through time, relating to iteration again. To capture and illustrate this temporary or fleeting wind idea i decided to use a windmill or more precisely a pinwheel, which is tipicly rlated to younger children (and so there for a strong target to the family audience no matter how i choose to use it.) as it is a fun activity for them to create and then play with which not only targets the family audience but illustrates the fact that the festival is fun and interactive to some extent. As the pinwheel has four wings this relates to the four times the works change over four week. The wings are used in the windmill to capture the fleeting wind so there for they are an iteration that continuously spins around, creating a circluar shape and as the pinwheel originaly started out as a square pice of paper and was the folded pined to a stick and captured the wind forcing it to spin into a cirlae the pinwheel itself is an example of not only the four iterations but is aslo illustrating change through time, the temporary and the fleeting.

the photos about are just some grabs from Getty images to give me an idea of the potential of the pinwheel and the type of stuff i would like to experiment with myself. and also some nice shots of the family interaction. I think family is a good audience to be targeting as they are probably going to be the hardest group to get involved. I have been working on the idea that these public artworks are in some retrospect like a holiday, a brake from the working everyday routine. To illustrate this i have been thinking about the fact that our familiar surroundings (such as the city) becames boring as we experience the same thing to many times, as we drive past it all nerges in to grey much the same as when you mix different colours to much and you end up with a grey brown merkie colour where as something new something out of the ordinary is a nice chance a focus point, a point of conversation and investigation, a holiday for the eye as this could be also related to the fact that when you only mix paint a little the colour is very bright - when you only see something once, it stays in your mind more so than something like the city landscape. and as i mentioned befor the pinwheel will hopefully make kids wxcited about the event, encouratging their parents to take them along.

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