Wednesday, April 20, 2011

consept experimenting

I also came up with the marketing consept that viewing work by photographs is no where near the same experiance as actually going and seeing the work for yourself. As reproductions are manipulated and poor reproductions are common. So in terms of ITERATION / AGAIN i am incouraging people to came along and experiance the artwork instead of following its progress or deteriation on the internet, because i is mostlikely that the majority will resort to using the web page to view the works but the festival is an interactive event on a much higher leveal than just logoing into a webpage. So thats the consept and her were just a few mock ups on photoshop expressing that idea. The second design is playing around with the 4 compass points and the last one is playing with the fact that the event is something new, an area of interest. so three different consepts here i guess.

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