Sunday, April 24, 2011

Andy Warhol's SILVER clouds

Still really unsure of the dominent colour to identifie the event with kinda tossing up between rainbow or red, yellow, blue and white or silver. The realso I like the idea of silver is that it has a refective surface, showing the fleeting and temporary although its prehaps a little to close to the colour grey which is it the pollar oppisit of what i want as i'm need a colour or colours that stand out from the every day so prehaps i should say i like a refective matalic colour not silver. thinking along the lines of Any Warhol's silver clouds

Created for a 1966 the exhibition at the Leo Castelli Gallery, Warhol collaborated with engineer Billy Kluver to created an environment that icludded one room filled with silver Clouds, hilium-filled balloons which moved with the air currents. In addition the creating an etheral, joyful atmosphere, they challenged traditionsl expectations by mingling with and touching the viewer. Kluver's Knowledge of technology helped bring Warhol's vision to life. Kluver saw the importance of interaction between the arts and the sciences. He saw collaboration as an opportunity for engineers to apply their knoledge to a new environment where unusual and unplanned challenges could develop.

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