Saturday, April 23, 2011

FENG SHUI - wind

As i have pasted in my physical journal the fact that i researched fung Shui as an interesting subject matter which o found had a few realating aspects to ITERATION/AGIAN the explination for the meaning of the name is intersting and i find it relates some what to the wind aspect i'm working with in the pinwheel idea. The meaning for the term feng Shui:

Feng Shui is a term compsed of two Chinese words: feng (wind) and Shui (water). Wind and water are the two natural elements that flow, move and circulate everywhere on Earth. They are also the most basic elements required for human survival. Wind - or air - is the breath of life; without it, we would die in monents. And water for similar reasons. The combined qualities of wind and water determine the climate, which historically has determined our food supply and in turn affects our lifestyle, health, energy and mood. These two fundametal and flowing elements have always profoundly yet subtly influenced human individuals and societies.

Thus Feng Shui is the art of designing environments in hurmony with the flow of chi through one's living space, and this flow supports and enhances ones personal chi or life force.

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