Thursday, March 31, 2011

inspiring logo

experimenting with event title

Unfortunatly i'm not sure where the images above come from or who there by as i saved them straight from the net into my folder I have been unable to track that information down, however i though it was good to include my inspiration for there designs of mine. I was atracted to the light opacity in the artworks above and the fact that new colour is created through the overlapping of the two different letters however when i tryed it out with the 'I' and 'A' in Iteration Again it didn't work as it seperated the letters where as i think its stroger and or sucessful when they are one form.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

over lapping imagery

Photography lapping. This is a film that already had photos on it put back in the camera and used again to creat and overlapping layerd image. pure original non cumputer generated.

Interesting layering of font

'i need you'

'i want you'

maybe i could play with having iteration again overlapped in low opacity

Monday, March 28, 2011

Knots - identity?

the second knot from the top contains four loops in one single continuouse knot called the caltech knot. containing 4 loops with in that one image. one week - four iterations. The outer shape is bordering on either a square or circle both been a good shape for iteration as a square has four sides and a cirle is endless. The third image is an example of what the identity/logo can morph/change into, maybe?...

The last image is what i origanal though of when i got the whole knot idea from the balloons knot that is a rope knot, found that hrepaps to litural and rather had to work with, didn't really visualy relate to the other consepts with in the festival, so i soon ditched that.

The knot is also a word used to refure to a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile (which is defined as 1.852 km) per hour, approximately 1.151 mph. This idea of speed relates to time and the change which accures by going a certain speed. And is typically used in boating to messure the speed of wind.

1 international knot = 1 nautical mile per hour (by definition), 1.852 kilometres per hour (exactly),[4] 0.514 metres per second, 1.151 miles per hour (approximately).

Balloon experiment

My experiment/documentation with deflating balloon: Capturing the deteriation of the balloon over the course of a week was my intention. I blew up 5 ballons at the same time and decided I would take the orange one and place it in the lounge room for people to pick up and play around with. It got tapped around to and through a bit and the next day i think it was i found that it had started to deflate somewhat. The other balloons which i had kept in my room are still today fully inflated with a very smooth surface. So in this sense the balloon has deflated and started to wrinkle due to stress and pressure of been used much like the contributing factors which age humans. Also like humans the balloon is running out of oxygen. It shrunk down to its bare skins, with a knot in its now fragile shell. – The knot – a full circle the very thing which contained the oxygen still remains even after the oxygen has escaped. Much like an umbilical cord, a source for the development of life and after it is gone we still have the knot(scare) bellybutton. Scars- evidence that the past was real

Historic buildings of Hobart - shopping centers

yesterday (sunday the 27th of March) I went into town to take some photos of Hobart city to experiment with and i instantly realised how old Hobart and the buildings really are. They have beautiful character and history imbedded in them.

As I continued snapping away I realised the reason hadn’t previously acknowledged the fact that the shopping centre capital of Tasmania is built with in the walls of historic buildings is based upon the fact that human very rarely look up. We look down and clear a space for our feet yet there is very little reason to look up. What is positioned directly ahead of us is the typical revamped half of the building with all its signage and advertising drawing not only the eye but the customer to come into there clean cut shop.

So here I have captured the result of the transformation of time, from colonial buildings to modern day shopping centres.

tunnel photography

Tunnel photography cycle of city life. Circle - nice shape to illustrate iteration.

Tunnel Vision

Tunnel vision is the loss of peripheral vision with retention of central vision, resulting in a constricted circular tunnel-like field of vision.

Eyeglass users experience tunnel vision to varying degrees due to the corrective lensonly providing a small area of proper focus, with the rest of the field of view beyond the lenses being unfocused and blurry.

Tunnel vision got me thinking on how our typical mundane surroundings seem to merge into one solid black colour as a result of its familiarity all the colours of our scenery all roll into on producing a black tunnel to which we see nothing except for what stands out from the everyday to which we focuses our attention with an investigative eye. I guess this idea deals with the perspective eye which encompasses the visible world.

- One eye can in this day and age can be in more than one place at one time.

- This is due to photography and reproductions of images in general such as statues, projection work ect.

- The eye as a machine

- Free from boundaries of time and space.

What imagery to have at the end of the tunnel?

maybe a colour wheel at the end of the tunnel?

Dice - chance and counting iteration

Dice relating to the random chance of where the public will stumble upon the public artworks, mysterious. Having most of the dice landing on 4 and one (orange die) standing out as from the rest by not only its colour but also its number 1, every iteration starts with one. Counting itself is a huge iteration, starting with one.

standing out from the everday

This idea of something standing out from the repetition of the mundane came from the dejave quoit “ Looking for something that doesn’t belong” The thing that doesn’t belong stands out like a sore thumb as its out of place, out of context to it’s surroundings. This relates to the iteration of a weekly routine, people don’t talk about the norm they talk about the outstanding events that accrue throughout the day, as this is the area of interest. Driving through town people look and make note of the objects that don’t belong. As they know the city so well it all merges into a Gray cement colour and a public art work would for instance would stand out like a rainbow against the familiar city.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

deja vu - crime scene

Watched the movie Dejavu staring Denzel Washington, today and a few lines got me thinking about Iteration Again such as: "Looking for something that doesn't belong." wether obvious or inconspicuous. Ultraviolet light, revealing evidence otherwise unapparent to the naked eye. - Investigating Hobart as a crime scene, uncovering an explosion of art, with public art works popping up around Hobart. - “everything you has goes, we loose everything we have, our looks our loved ones. Nothing is permanent.” - Illustrations of glitches over images of Hobart. Glitches illustration where art works will appear. - Crime scenes change a place temporarily.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bi Liu

over the top public art works. images by Bi Liu

Damien Poulain

This work is by Damien Poulain and got me thinking of taking photos of Hobart buildings and juxtaposing different buildings on top of one another to create a strange block building and then placing that either outside or in an empty gallery space. Incorporating Iteration Again some where amongst it also.

type poster design

This is a poster advertising a poster exhibition held by the London College of Communication. opacity play - transition - iteration inspiration. 1, 2, 3, 4 building up of layers to creat an artwork. - struckture.

Kevin Cooley

Kevin Cooley is a Broolyn based photographer who has the knack of capturing the alienated events of nature through his lens. His craftsmanship produces images of deep contemplation and for me they illustrate alien life, the fleeting, and the strike of lightning changes the landscape completely if only for a second.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I have been thinking about the fact that advertising is in a cense public art work as well so why not play on that idea and use guilt frames to frame the events posters. Public art – taking the art out of the context of the gallery. The only thing that changes the artwork is its surroundings. What is and what is not art? By taking an object from its everyday use and placing it in an out of context environment we create conceptual art. As Marcel Ducham taught us.


Typography inspiration. like a puzzle but together wrong, Puzzle iteration many attempts to pick the write piece of the puzzle to fit the image. Maybe a little typical.

Colour Iteration

Colour mixing is the foundation to art and the beautiful world around us. Starting with only three primary colours the many iterations of mixing different colours together over the centuries has resulted in thousands of different colours. The public artworks are some what like colour against a grey picture plain, something that stands out from the everyday and sticks in the passer by’s mind through out the course of their day.

Even in a dirty gloomy country where poverty rules the land people are seen every where covered in the brightest coloured fabrics. Which is the opposite to wealthy countries where the most popular coloured clothing choice is black.