Monday, March 28, 2011

Balloon experiment

My experiment/documentation with deflating balloon: Capturing the deteriation of the balloon over the course of a week was my intention. I blew up 5 ballons at the same time and decided I would take the orange one and place it in the lounge room for people to pick up and play around with. It got tapped around to and through a bit and the next day i think it was i found that it had started to deflate somewhat. The other balloons which i had kept in my room are still today fully inflated with a very smooth surface. So in this sense the balloon has deflated and started to wrinkle due to stress and pressure of been used much like the contributing factors which age humans. Also like humans the balloon is running out of oxygen. It shrunk down to its bare skins, with a knot in its now fragile shell. – The knot – a full circle the very thing which contained the oxygen still remains even after the oxygen has escaped. Much like an umbilical cord, a source for the development of life and after it is gone we still have the knot(scare) bellybutton. Scars- evidence that the past was real

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