Monday, March 28, 2011

Knots - identity?

the second knot from the top contains four loops in one single continuouse knot called the caltech knot. containing 4 loops with in that one image. one week - four iterations. The outer shape is bordering on either a square or circle both been a good shape for iteration as a square has four sides and a cirle is endless. The third image is an example of what the identity/logo can morph/change into, maybe?...

The last image is what i origanal though of when i got the whole knot idea from the balloons knot that is a rope knot, found that hrepaps to litural and rather had to work with, didn't really visualy relate to the other consepts with in the festival, so i soon ditched that.

The knot is also a word used to refure to a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile (which is defined as 1.852 km) per hour, approximately 1.151 mph. This idea of speed relates to time and the change which accures by going a certain speed. And is typically used in boating to messure the speed of wind.

1 international knot = 1 nautical mile per hour (by definition), 1.852 kilometres per hour (exactly),[4] 0.514 metres per second, 1.151 miles per hour (approximately).

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