Sunday, March 20, 2011


over and over again. A stamp. I was looking at some printmaking work the other day an though it would be rather fitting to use a stamp as the festivals logo. A typical stamp with only the words of the event 'ITERATION: AGAIN in capitals and framed with a simple rectangular line. I think BIG W might be able to make one up for me but in the meen time here is a typical example of what i'm tryingto describe.

Maybe instead of actually gatting a spamp made up i could mock it up on photoshop and print it on to sticker paper. the stickets could be distributed with the flyer with instructions to fill it off and place it on an object somewhere in Hobart brinding it a public artwork................or i could creat an actual ballon object and instruct poeple to place the sticker on the balloon......what will the goul be? what will happen when they achive this instruction....reward?......hmmmm

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